Questions: The valley flashing should extend how many inches from the centerline each way?
Answer: 8 inches
Question: For valley flashing, a spash diverter rib shall be no less than ______ inches high at the flow line formed as part of the flashing.
Answer: .75 inches
Question: Sections of flashing shall have an end lap of not less than ______ inches.
Answer: 4 inches
Questions: Counter flashing shall be made with ___________________.
Answer: Sheet metal
Question: Valley flashing shall be a minimum of ________ inches wide?
Answer: 16 inches
Questions: What is the minimum thickness valley flashing must be?
Answer: 26 Gauge (.0179 inches) Galvanized Steel.
Questions: Stainless steel shall be corrosion resistant and not less than _________ gauge.
Answer: 28 Gauge.
Questions: What is the minimum endlap required for sections of base flashing?
Answer: The minimum endlap for base flashing is 4 inches.
Question: What does substrate mean in roofing?
Answer: In roofing substrate is the surface which the roofing materials are applied. Substrate could be a plywood roof deck, the underlayment, a metal roof deck, or any other surface that the primary roof covering will be applied to.
Questions: How many inches should drip edge be overlapped according to Florida Building Code?
Answer: Drip edge should be overlapped at least 3 inches.